ハラール認証を取得した供TOMOのスイーツが、ムスリム向けの日本メディア「Salam Groovy Japan」で紹介されました。




そういった環境の下、日本企業とムスリムをビジネス視点で結びつけることで新しい価値を共創したい、というコンセプトで活動するメディア「Salam Groovy Japan(サラーム・グルービージャパン)」。


供TOMO トモ Salam Groovy Japan ムスリム



Salam Groovy Japanのムスリム社員の方も試食

また、弊社からお送りした新製品「ブーシェ・ドゥ・玄神」と「カフェ玄神」のサンプルを、Salam Groovy Japanのムスリム社員の方が試して下さり、そのレビュー記事も掲載されました。

供TOMO トモ ムスリム スイーツ ハラール認証

★画像は、いずれもSalam Groovy Japanより


Salam Groovy Japanの皆様、記事でご紹介いただき、ありがとうございました!


Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)
Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)

Bouchées de Genshin (7 pieces)


※Tax included

Bouchées de Genshin - Japanese gluten free snacks - 供TOMO Japanese Traditional Online Store

Bouchées de Genshin is a bite-sized snack made from traditional kinako (soybean flour), Japanese persimmons, almonds, brown rice puffs, cacao nibs, and a dusting of Genshin powder (organic roasted brown rice powder). Mizuame adds sweetness to this natural confectionery, which makes it sugar-free. The more you chew, the more you can enjoy the taste of the ingredients. You can feel satisfied by the nutritious power of Bouchées de Genshin in just one bite.

This healthy snack is gluten-free, low-calorie, and Halal certified.

Product: Confectionery ・Ingredients: Mizuame (made in Japan), kinako (soybean flour), brown rice puffs, almonds, cacao beans, Japanese persimmon, Genshin roasted brown rice powder (made in Japan), salt (contains soybeans and almonds) ・Quantity: 7 pieces Storage: Keep out of direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.・Nutritional information (per piece): calories: 21kcal, protein: 0.6g, fat: 0.5g, carbohydrates: 3.7g, sodium 0.0g (Those values are for reference only)

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Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)
Chocolats Café Genshin  (4 pieces)

Chocolats Café Genshin (4 pieces)


TOMO offers Japanese and gluten free products・Japanese halal chocolates

■【Tickle your senses with a whole new kind of chocolate !】
Made out of three distinct layers, this chocolate possess its own pellicular mouthfeel. As you bite into it, be transported by the unique texture, result of a unique concoction.

■ 【An exclusive combination of traditions】
Chocolat Café Genshin is made by first delicately wrapping chocolate in a Kinako dough mixed with buttermilk caramel, afterwards sprinkled with powdered Café Genshin (roasted organic brown rice), giving you the best of two ancestral made in Japan products.

■ 【Café Genshin, official purveyor of the Principality of Monaco】
Café Genshin is made by carefully roasting Japanese organic brown rice with a coffee roaster. It is a popular grain-based coffee substitute. While brown rice coffee is made in several roasteries in Japan, only Café Genshin by 供TOMO is allowed to bear the coats of arms of Monaco, being the official provider of the Royal Family. Made of pure raw organic brown rice, Café Genshin is caffeine-free.

■ 【A strong commitment to local suppliers】
Mindful of the quality and origin of our ingredients, this product is fully made in Japan. Domestic soybean (non-genetically modified) soybean flour, mizuame (starch syrup) and buttermilk powder are used as raw materials. We also work with carefully selected brown sugar from Hateruma Island in Okinawa, salt is from Okinawa's sea salt "Nuchimasu", a traceability that we require from all our products and ingredients.

■【Proof of excellence】
Manufactured by Watato Co., Ltd., located in Tokyo and founded in Nihonbashihama-cho in 1921, this maker and wholesaler of Kinako confectionery year reached a milestone this year with its 100th anniversary. Furthermore, aiming to make sweets safe and accessible for everyone, we have acquired from the NPO Japan Asia Halal Association the "Halal" certification.

■ Ingredients:
Chocolate (vegetable oil and fat, sugar, whole milk powder, cocoa, lactose, cocoa paste) (made in Japan), kinako, mizuame, brown sugar (from Okinawa Prefecture), almonds, cocoa beans, buttermilk powder, roasted brown rice powder (made in Japan), salt/emulsifier, flavoring, (also contains soy, almonds and milk ingredients).

Preservation method: Keep in a cool and dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.
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Japanese drink TOMO Ginger Genshin in vegetarian media "veggy”

The Japanese magazine "veggy" offers ideas for a sustainable and a a plant-based lifestyle. You can find the article about TOMO Ginger Genshin in the issue 84 released in October 2022.

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