In this article we will speak about the roots of caffeine, which fascinates many people.
The cultivation of caffeine is believed to have started more than a thousand years ago, in the coastal regions of Mexico. Contrary to popular belief, it did not start with coffee, but with the cacao tree, which produces cocoa. It is in this part of the world, where temperatures are high and rainfall is abundant, that chocolate is produced.
Traces of chocolate made more than 3,500 years ago at the archaeological site of Paso de la Amada, Mexico, constitute one of the first historical traces of the use of caffeine.
Chocolate, loved since ancient times, was considered the "food of the deities".
The chocolate we consume today is made with many additives and contains less caffeine compared to the time when cocoa was used for its exciting and pleasant effects.
Today, "pozol", a mexican drink made from cocoa and fermented corn, is greatly appreciated by the workers of the region for the effects it provides, due to its high caffeine content.

Caffeine has existed and fascinated people for thousands of years.
This substance stimulates your central nervous system. If consumed excessively, you will experience low quality sleep and even addiction. Look around you: how many people, maybe you included, can't find the motivation or energy to enjoy their day without their caffeine fix?
And what can you do in this situation? The solution is simple: balance your caffeine intake by reducing it gradually. Reducing your caffeine consumption also helps to avoid imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, which regulates certain automatic functions of the body (breathing rhythm, etc.)
Organic, caffeine-free and without coffee beans, Genshin is a brown rice coffee that can help you in this healthy approach. You can add more flavor by adding some plant-based milk or spices like ginger and cinnamon. Some people even add honey for more sweetness.
For a better sleep quality and for your health, it is recommended to avoid caffeine after 3pm.
・For more information about Genshin Coffee, click here.