If you are following our news, you might heard of FLOWRA’s, our wellness retreat partners!
FLOWRA: your wellness community in Tokyo
FLOWRA is a wellness community offering retreats and regular workshops in Tokyo. The events are held by Yurie Shinbori. No worries if you can’t speak Japanese: FLOWRA is working with instructors from across the world who can speak English and even French.
To know more about FLOWRA, click here
Practice mindfulness and wellness with a cup of TOMO Café Genshin
What is the enemy of a mind reset? Stress, anxiety and bad physical condition.
At FLOWRA’s wellness retreat, you will enjoy the benefits of TOMO Café Genshin. This premium roasted brown rice coffee is organic, it doesn’t contain any coffee beans, caffeine or sugar. Café Genshin is a tasty and safe coffee alternative that can be enjoyed by everyone, even pregnant women.
You will have the opportunity to enjoy Café Genshin at FLOWRA’s retreat!
To buy TOMO Café Genshin, click here
About FLOWRA’s summer 2022 retreat:
Date: 27th August, 2022 - 28th August, 2022 (2 days)
Where: Shimoda
How to join: send a direct message (English or French are ok) to Yurie or fill out this form (Japanese only)
Saturday, 27 August
10:30 Meet at Shimoda
11:00〜 Brunch
Free Time 13:00〜14:00
Beach Yoga 14:00〜15:30
SUP Yoga 15:30〜
Watermelon Challenge 17:00〜
BBQ 19:00〜
21:00〜22:00 Relaxing Yoga with Aroma
Sunday, 28 July
7:00 Zen Meditation
8:00 Breakfast
9:00〜Beach Yoga, Sea Activities
14:00 Healthy Lunch
15:30〜Circle Time
17:00 End